Sunday, October 23, 2005
the end, or is it the beginning
- Science doesnt support it....yet
- Im too young and still growing
- I dont make effective use of my time right now
- I dont have a flexible enough schedule
- I currently sacrifice too much trying to nap at schedule times
- Sleep become job-like, another stressful task that you HAVE to do, rather than it being the free, joyful, relaxing and restorative activity i think its meant to be. (If i successful use my day i will want and need a nice long sleep).
- We don't live in a polyphasic world, and generally if you wanna live with this world and the monophasic sleepers of this world you have to succomb to their ways.
Notice that none of my reasons had anything to do with polyphasic sleep not being a valid and potentially fruitful idea. The hardest thing about giving up is having to swallow my pride, bite my tongue, and listen to all the ignorant fellas (who don't know a thing about polyphasic sleep, muchless sleep in general) say "I told you it wouldn't/doesn't work" (really all they have to do is look at me and this comes across). As I said earlier in this blog, after my first crash (if i would have gotten through those couple naps i might be singing a different song), I believe more in the possibility and benefits of this sleep schedule now then before i started. Another hard thing for me to swallow is I started this blog with the hope that i would aid the polyphasic sleep movement and give people a detailed example of how it can work and be successfully done; I finish this blog realizing I have only helped the otherside, given them one more example of how it doesn't work. Which of course is not right, becuase it was I who didnt work on it.....right now, and even though the experiment in some ways was a failure I will say that i had a lot of fun trying the schedule, and got a lot of stuff done during it (and that is supposed to be during what is the hard, adjustement week). Im still open to hear your comments, questions, concerns, advice on polyphasic sleep and sleep in general........Peace
the end, or is it the beginning
- Science doesnt support it....yet
- Im too young and still growing
- I dont make effective use of my time right now
- I dont have a flexible enough schedule
- I currently sacrifice too much trying to nap at schedule times
- Sleep become job-like, another stressful task that you HAVE to do, rather than it being the free, joyful, relaxing and restorative activity i think its meant to be. (If i successful use my day i will want and need a nice long sleep).
- We don't live in a polyphasic world, and generally if you wanna live with this world and the monophasic sleepers of this world you have to succomb to their ways.
Notice that none of my reasons had anything to do with polyphasic sleep not being a valid and potentially fruitful idea. The hardest thing about giving up is having to swallow my pride, bite my tongue, and listen to all the ignorant fellas (who don't know a thing about polyphasic sleep, muchless sleep in general) say "I told you it wouldn't/doesn't work" (really all they have to do is look at me and this comes across). As I said earlier in this blog, after my first crash (if i would have gotten through those couple naps i might be singing a different song), I believe more in the possibility and benefits of this sleep schedule now then before i started. Another hard thing for me to swallow is I started this blog with the hope that i would aid the polyphasic sleep movement and give people a detailed example of how it can work and be successfully done; I finish this blog realizing I have only helped the otherside, given them one more example of how it doesn't work. Which of course is not right, becuase it was I who didnt work on it.....right now, and even though the experiment in some ways was a failure I will say that i had a lot of fun trying the schedule, and got a lot of stuff done during it (and that is supposed to be during what is the hard, adjustement week). Peace, and im still open to hear your comments, questions, concerns, advice on polyphasic sleep and sleep in general.
the end, or is it the beginning
What sucks for me the most is i set out to make this blog in efforts to prove the cycle's validity and provide a positive push for polyphasic sleep, but i end it having aided the other side of the argument, giving them one more failed internet blog. This is the hardest part for me to give up. I really have to swallow my pride and bite my tongue because i have that "i told you so" coming from the ignorant souls who now nothing about polyphasic sleep or sleep in general. As i said before though, i believe stronger in its possibility and potential fruitfulness now after i have given it up then before i started.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I really focused on doing everything i could to make sure i got to sleep at my 6:25 and surpsingly i did. I can't really determine how much sleep i got exactly but it felt like maybe a total of 20-25 minutes, i might have woken up a couple times in there though too.
I hate myself
29, 30, 31
I tried to start right away wiht the next cycle at 2:45, i didnt really expect to get any sleep and i didnt, but i still lied down in my cave for the time and closed my eyes, hoping it would rest me in someway and help set my rhythm.
I didnt have high expectations for my 6:40 nap either but i actually managed to get 10-20 minutes of sleep.
I wasn't able to get any sleep at my 10:30, mostly because i remembered when i laid down that i had an assignment due before midnight. I still laid down for the whole time and maybe got a few minutes of sleep.
Im not too concerned with my slow "restart" because i feel awesome and im guessing i got like 6 cycles in this morning since im guessing my sleep cycle had already condensed considerably.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sleeping Rhythms, Internal Clock, No im not a scientist, but i did stay at a Governor's School last night.
Polyphasic Sleep did not fail, I failed
24, 26, 25, and one huge 27/28 = most disappointing last 12 hours.
Anyways, about the 10:50 nap, yeah, it didnt really happen.....I stayed in my bed for the period i was supposed to take the nap and then worked on some breathing while in the gravity pose as i heard some phony article say that it was worth 6 hours of sleep to do for 15 minutes. i did it for 5 minutes hoping it was worth 15 minutes. Me and all my faulty theories....I wasn't really too concerned....I realized that it would probably hit me hard but i accepted the challenge and figured it would be a good test, well as you will see i failed..... from my failed 10:50 til my nap at 2:40 i ended up watching a movie for the 4th straight night.....I really needed to be studying for my spanish test, and the plan was that i would get all of my studying done before my 2 oclock nap and just focus on making myself alert and doing some final review until my test at 11:00AM.....the movie ended up taking me til nap time and i still hadnt started to study. I woke up from the 2:40 right on time, definetely having gotten the full 25 minutes of sleep. I had so much difficulty getting up from it though and once i was up it was just a continued challenge to stay awake. In an effort to wake myself up a little bit to maybe allow myself to do some studying i walked around the halls a few times, but eventually when i realized that, although awake i really couldn't function at all, i convinced myself that i would make up the 10 oclock nap i missed becuase i really needed to be able to have time and a mind to study for the spanish test. I managed to have stayed up until 4:40 or so and then set a 5:07 waking time (i was being greedy and wanted a couple extra minutes). I'm pretty sure i woke up from this nap and atleast walked around a had a few conscious thoughts, but i must have turned off my alarm and fairly quickly went right back into bed and didnt wake up until 11:06......which i just found out was really 10:50 or so, but sometime during that whole cutting off and setting alarms process last night i changed my clock til 15 minutes later.....actually what sounds right, however i really was so brand dead last night i cant remember, is that i woke up from my wake- up nap and decided to take a fifteen minute refresher nap, since i allways seem to wake up good from those and instead i must have changed the time on my clock....the more i think about this the more i think i remember this happening, but it could be that i want to remember something like that which would put more of the blame off of me.....anyways i thought i was really late for spanish then and so i raced over and thought i was 20 minutes late, which only till about ten minutes ago did i realize i was only 5 minutes late, which makes sense because they hadn't started the listening section of the test which is usually done about 5 minutes into the test, which i guess i justified at the time, as they were waiting for me which is arrogant and self-centered, yet i hadn't and don't miss classes and we do have a small class so i entertained that as a possibility. Either way im pretty sure i failed the test, which kind of sucks alot, even though for some reason i feel fine right now and today, and i should be pissed and throwing things because i was really adamant about making a strict polyphasic sleep cycle work, proving that it does (and this does not prove that it doesnt work, see next post) and i may have ruined any chance at getting an A in spanish, which really is a big deal to me. A couple other reasons that i think i "crashed" this morning are because i had gotten really overconfident with the schedule, and felt like i had really mastered it and that it was super easy and i could do no wrong, i became slack, and it wasn't jsut the things i did because of this attitude but the attitude itself i think also hurt, i became less careful. Another attitudinal problem was that i wasn't fully committed to believing that straight polyphasic was the best thing, A. to start out on, B. for me, right now, and C. whether or not a 3 to 4 hour sleep would be OK. These doubts along with my underlying feeling at times that it was better to do a modified with core sleep or some other sleep i think had a large part to do with why i failed.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
So my split between nap starts was approximately 4:15 not too bad but i was really hoping it would never have to more than 4:05. This nap went well i got probably 25 minutes. I woke up not really understand what was going on and tried to set my alarm clock for a nother nap right then, but luckily my sense kicked in before i got back into bed. I think for now i am going to shoot for 20-25 minutes at my night/evening naps and 15-20 in my morning naps since these are the ones where i can't aford to feel any more groggy and tired that i already do.
22 (slowly my title's are shrinking)
twenty first
Not Sleeping Kills
pretty much i am now really afraid of playing video games while on this cycle
Sleep Kills
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
the insanity kicks in
Anyways now that i have lost all credibility in this blog (as if my grammatical errors haven't already done this) and i can now easily be dismissed as insane, im going to stop and go talk to my new friend, a 6 foot bunny rabbitt named Frank.
Eighteenth - i'm getting slack
Sixteenth - I really dont know
Fifteenth - IDK
In Response to Skeptics
I guess my response to this is, so what? I mean why not use the power of positive thinking? and if in some wierd way the sleep cycle causes a release in adrenaline then why don't we harness that, embrace that and add it as an advantage?
How different things are
The thing i miss most (besides a really deep sleep during a couple of those tired waking cycles) is the time where i am lying in my bed not really trying hard to fall asleep but just letting my mind race until i go to sleep. This winding downand reflection time has allways been where i come up with my best ideas and think the clearest. Now everytime i go to bed i have to really make sure i get to bed quickily. Not having the freedom with when i will fall asleep or when ill sleep period is something i didnt anticipate however i should have.
Fourteenth - Another below avg performance
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Thirteenth Nap - disapointing
Twelfth Nap - Feelin Good
About an hour or so after my 2:30-3:00 nap i started to feel a lot more awake and mentally able, and now since my 6:25-50 nap i am feeling even better. I know that two days in a row doesn't make a pattern but it seems from my 2:25 AM nap til my 2:25 PM nap all i can think about is sleep and i have to literally hold my eyelids open so that i don't crash, but then right when i decide that i hate myself and everything about polyphasic sleep and i am going to drop it that night i make a turn for the better and from the 2:25 Pm nap til the 2:25 AM nap i am as good as always. If this is just a psychological thing too hopefully i can someone convince myself that i can be alert the whole day.
Eleventh Nap - same ol, same ol
Getting Better, I won't give in yet
Tenth Nap
Ninth nap - groggy
Just to give you seekers both sides
This is an article i found on, another polyphasic sleep blog, which is much better than mine. I really don't know anything about websites and organizing them the way he has done.
Nonetheless my response to the above article bashing polyphasic sleep: The article mainly attacks sleep deprivation, not really at all what polyphasic sleep is about. His comment about car accidents really doesn't hold water since a true polyphasic sleeper won't be awake for more than 3:40, and if needed they could pull off the side of the road and take their 20 minute nap. Until they compare a successful polyphasic sleeper to a "normal sleeper" as far as age of death, weight, and health concerns we should not settle for substituting sleep deprivation as the same thing.
The SWS comment does however concern me a little, and missing the overall physical replinishment that comes with 8 solid hours of sleep is an obvious con to polyphasic sleeping.
The thing with this article that bothers me is that it is by someone who hasn't tried it, and probably knew he didnt like it two minutes after hearing about it. The author is obviously passionately opposed to it, calling it stupid and saying its bull, and when this passionate-defensive attitude comes in, truth is what loses. On the flip side, many polyphasic users including myself have the same problem on the opposite end of the spectrum, we get excited and passionate about it working and we want to ignore the potential bad aspects. I want to say i have tried to look at it unbiasely and fairly and decided that even with the many possible con's, just the possibility that it might work out and have half of the positive effects that people say it does, is worth it for me. If it fails, i'll just chalk it up as an experience, a good story, and a test of my will power.
Eighth Nap - I knew the high would end
Monday, October 17, 2005
Seventh Nap - Getting Cocky
Overall I am feeling really good and besides having a little trouble with tiredness earlier today i have had no real noticeable effects of missing the sleep. I think i slept at this nap, i really only remembering trying to get to sleep for what seemed like 5 to ten minutes and then also remembering being confused when the alarm went off like it wasn't the appropriate time, but of course it was. Either way I feel fine and am feeling pretty confident about my results so far. I realize i have only been on it for a little over a day, but the fact that i am still able to do homework with effectiveness and have yet to not wake up at my first alarm I think are encouraging signs. A friend claims that my success is entirely psychological -- I want so bad for it to work that i am convincing myself that im not tired and that it's all in my mind. I could agree to some point with that, and just hope that i don't lose this mindset then.
Sixth Nap - A Learning Experience
Fifth Nap - Success, i guess
Fourth Nap - Argghhghhh
Third Nap
Second Nap - Frustration
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Claudio Stampi - Why We Nap
"In summary the research and issues.....pose a challenge to the concept that adult humans are irrevocably tied to a rigid monophasic sleep-wake system. Rather, they argue in favor of the hypothesis that, if need be, adult humans may adapt without major difficulties to some sort of polyphasic behavior. Indeed, the ability for a multiple napping behavior in adult humans may be the behavioral expression of an underlying biological rhythm of daytime sleep propensity...........
However, the author would like to caution against misleading interpretations of these conclusions. What is being proposed here is not that polyphasic sleep is preferable to monophasic sleep, nor that everyone should now switch to a multiple napping behavior "panacea". It appears obvious that quasi-monophasic sleep --monophasic sleep plus occasional naps -- is what comes most naturally to the majority of adult humans and a few other species. If somewhere in evolution such species have developed the ability to sustain wakefulness for relatively prolonged periods, most likely this ability occured in response to some sort of important and advantageous adaptive pressure."
"Should adult humans be forced to reduce sleep by considerable amounts, polyphasic sleep may be more efficient than monophasic sleep. Unfortunately, experimental evidence for this hyporthesis is limited to a handful of preliminary studies; this, in turn, may allow for some speculation on the matter. "
The next quote is from Stampi's book but is written by Giancarlo Sbragia, who was an Italian actor into all sorts of creative arts who tried the cycle (20 min every 4 hours) for a while (in an uncontrolled experiment) in the 1960's i believe. His reflection on the experience was that he learned alot about himself and it was a life-changing experience becuase of the lessons it taught him. The lessons where that he had plenty of time to do everything he enjoyed in life and that he was not a super - human and genious that he thought he was and couldn't live up to Leanardo (an interesting conclusion). He also discussed at the time of the book of wanting to try it again but for different reasons (i think something about for the good of science, and to see if he could do it, or see would be like now or something). The trend of people wanting to try it again even after they fail (sometimes quite badly) the first time is maybe a testament to the cycle.
Giancarlo Sbragia - "I also experience a strange sensation that I only understood later. I missed dreams. I am a dreamer: I don't remember a single night in my life without the recollection of dreams: I have always dreamt.....As this nourishment (dreaming) was missing, my imagination and my artistic activity started to suffer."
This statement i found especially alarming, becuase one of my motivations for doing this was that i had heard that you actually have more lucid dreams that you remember completely. This is something that more than one experimenter has commented on, and the inconsistency with Sbragia's experience could be that he was trying to recall the experience from 30 years ago. The idea that you have more lucid dreams on polyphasic sleep i think stems from the idea that you are getting all REM once you have adapted to the cycle, and skipping the other less important stages. The Stampi project monitored the stages in the early 90's with two polyphasic sleep experiments and saw that the stages were just all shortened proportionaley to the 20 minutes. A result that at that time was disproving the idea that you only got the begining part of sleep and missed out completely on REM and stage 2.
These are a couple quotes from Leonardo Di Vinci that are in the book in Italian, and then my translation using altavista bablefish:
Or dormiente, than what e' sleep? The sleep has similitudine glue dead women. Or perche' you do not make adunque such work, than after the dead women you have perfect similitudine of alive, than viviendo it is made with the sleep similar to the sad ones died?
O dormiente, che cosa e' sonno? Il sonno ha similitudine colla morte. O perche' non fai adunque tale opera, che dopo la morte tu abbi similitudine di perfetto vivo, che viviendo farsi col sonno simile ai tristi morti?Leonardo da Vinci, Codice Atlantico, 76 v.a.
It is not worth fortune to who s' does not tire. Perfect don s' it does not have without great pain. The one who is made happy, and vertu' it investigates
Non vale fortuna a chi non s'affatica. Perfetto don non s'ha senza gran pena. Colui si fa felice, e vertu' investigaLeonardo da Vinci, Windsor Castle, 12349 v.
First Nap - learning experience
My Set-Up
To help with my daytime naps (and because I really like forts), i have made a fort/cave for my self to sleep in (on the Left). I also have put my alarm clock outside of the fort so that i will have to get out of the fort (hardest part) and walk to turn off my alarm. I have set two Alarms on that clock and plan to set a third somewhere else if i need to.
Although the sheet looks like it would keep all light out it doesnt really do a very good job, and i might resort to using a blind fold/eye mask, which would have been the practical option to begin with.
My schedule hopefully
Sunday 16th - 10:25-10:55
Monday 17th - 2:25-2:55
- 6:25-6:55
- 10:25-10:55
- 2:30-2:00
- 6:30-7:00
- 10:35-11:05
Tuesday 18th- 2:35-3:05
- 6:40-7:10
- 10:50 (roughly, depending on when my 9:30-10:45 class gets out, will get it in as close to 10:35 as i can and go for a half an hour)
Although it will be difficult i will try to gradually adjust my nap time to the conflict that arises with my MWF classes from 11:1:50 and my TTR classes 9:30-10:45, 12:30-1:45 (thursdays i have a 2:00-2:50 class but it usually only lasts til 2:30 or so, and it can be moved if need be.) The only other problem that could arise is with my 6 and 10pm naps when i am on Resident Assistant Duty (I'm a Res. Asst. at a high school which involves a lot of extra RA duties, like a 10:30 room check, and a Wal-Mart run sometimes at 6:15-7:10).
Tonight I start
Saturday, October 15, 2005
My Inspiration for doing Polyphasic Sleep...not really though just, ironically, my favorite song right now
Group: The Arcade Fire
Song: Rebellion (Lies)
Album: Funeral